Mission & Values
The Chicago Wellness Center for Families (CWCF) is housed and embedded in one of the most diverse cities in the world. With a particular focus on diversity and family systems, we embrace the unique ways that others understand and navigate the world around them. An essential part of our work at CWCF is understanding that individuals are shaped and impacted by their social context such as family, friends, neighborhood, school, workplace, and communities. The feeling of belonging and social connection is the driving force of wellness in our lives.
This is why we are who we are. We are a community-based practice created from friendship, love of community, and celebration of individual differences. As a practice we are beyond commitment, but value and champion human rights globally and within our neighboring communities. We recognize, respect, and celebrate individual differences that children and their families hold across race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, acculturation status, and family constellations. In order to sustain these values, we are a practice that operates from the position of relational humility. We honor one’s position in the world, and we are also eager to collaborate to make the best decisions for their wellbeing. We want CWCF to be a place where individuals of all ages and from all backgrounds can feel safe, connected, and empowered in their lives.